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Is it possible that nothing is not nothing after all? The exhibition NOTHING goes all out to show the seemingly inane from an unusual point of view. Let us take you on a journey with some wonderfully surprising encounters – a journey into nothingness!

Only at our museum.

The exhibition

10th November 2023 - 21st July 2024

NOTHING is not connected in any way to pretentious thinking – it is a loving study of the small things in life, which we pay very little attention to. In our everyday lives, we encounter nothing at every turn: in the placebo effect, in spaces, in pipedreams, or as dust, which is almost nothing.

Our exhibition puts such seemingly useless things centre stage and invites you to take a closer look. Explore NOTHING – an exhibition like nothing you have seen before. An unusual exhibition that opens up new perspectives.

Contents of the exhibition available in German, French and English.

THE VOID, an online game

It is easy to lose yourself in the digital void. It is therefore prudent to link the game that accompanies the exhibition with reality. Who can find people in the exhibition and collect the highest number of points? If you work together, you can make quite a lot out of NOTHING: if 500,000 points are reached, we will organise a rave at the museum to reward you. Of course the rewards also include free tickets to the museum. So come on – let’s play the game!

The positions of the people within the game coincide with those of the people that happen to be in the exhibition at the time. This is where the analogue and digital worlds collide with each other. If there are no visitors present at the exhibition, you can discover objects instead.

THE VOID was developed in collaboration with students from the bachelor course in spatial design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts HSLU.