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EXPLORER for an independent visit to the core exhibition

EXPLORER contains 30 theme cards, each with three tasks for a group of two or three people.
EXPLORER enables learning by discovery in the core exhibition at the Museum of Communication.
EXPLORER gives an introduction to the museum and an overview of the multifaceted subject of communication.

The set of 30 unique cards, printed in lenticular technique, can be purchased at reception for CHF 15. 

Book an independent visit to the museum for your class.


Structure and organisation

  • The tasks on cards 1 to 22 are suitable for Cycles 2 and 3 (3rd to 6th year at primary level and 1st to 3rd year at secondary level, respectively) and the second stage of secondary level (Sek2). 
  • Cards 23 to 30 are less suitable for Cycle 2. 
  • The tasks are intentionally quite openly worded to allow learners of different levels to gather information in different ways. 
  • Refrain from having students write notes. Our workshop provides more in-depth studies of the exhibition contents.
  • Some tasks have a definitive answer. Please approach an exhibition communicator to help you find them. 

Overview of the 30 tours of discovery (PDF) 


Possible structure 

  1. Organisation: Explanations, form groups, arrange a meeting point and time, give each group ONE card.
  2. Group work: For a period of 30 to 90 minutes, students carry out the three tasks on their card. The teacher moves around the exhibition and helps students with their tasks.
  3. Transfer: Each group presents their findings to another group and comments on the findings of the other group.
    Variation: as part of a tour involving the whole class, each group presents their highlights.
  4. Leaving traces behind: Based on the insight gained, each group formulates a TAKE-HOME MESSAGE. This message is emailed to the museum. The best entries will be published.
Explorer Set with cards in lenticular technique.
EXPLORER contains 30 thematic cards with three tasks each for a group of two or three.